
我的小學生寫給我的作業,都好可愛哦~ 而且她們都好愛我,每次寫完作業
都會加I love you Sonia. 我只能說,韓國的小學生比較不害臊呀~

 Thank you sonia.
i'm happy
- my sisther is very short
-my room is clean
- this fan is 10, 0000 won it's expensive!
-my shcool bag is very heavy
-shcool is very wide
- sonia very beuutiful
- my friead skinny
- Form my house to shcool very near
-I have many book
- i'm early sleeping
sonia love you
good by by

tai-lin Day

im 7:00 brush my teeth, wash face and comb hair

7:30 change uniform then eat Breakfast

8:00 im go ti school. 

12:00 school clean then 12:00 lunch time

oh! tired...........

12:45  friend togather play came

1:20 im pop sing singing, meeting, tast and study.

2:00 school is finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im happy

2:00 im go to the piano academic

3:00 im Einglish academic

4:00 im go to my home...

4:40 im study(소냐 숙제가 영어로 뭐에요?)and watch TV.

6:00 im sisther togther planing gam.

7:00 my tather is coming.

7:05 my famil togther eat dinner.

8:00 brysh my teeth, wash face.

8:30 im sleeping ready..

9:00 im go to sleep.

sonia im good?

love you............

good ninght..

-tai lin-

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